Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weekend update

Wow! I didn't realize its been three days since an update. Ryker hasn't had great days this weekend. The doctors took him off the caffeine which helped him remember to breath.  They figure he was old enough to do it on his own. Since then he has been struggling with his breathing. He is on oxygen again. The doctors tell me its normal so I try not to worry. On the plus side Ryker gained an ounce. He is now 3lbs 1oz. Hopefully he can keep going. The more weight he gains the higher the food intake he can get.We are also holding off on the breast feeding. They say he is getting it, but still a little too small to go off the feeding tube. So once again he needs to gain weight. Guys!!! guess what exciting news I can finally sleep on my tummy. Its like a dream come true.I have been waiting for this moment for many months now. I sleep so peacefully, other then the stupid breast pumping. I am so over waking up every three hours. Welcome to parenthood. Here are some more cute pictures. Enjoy! Ryker loves to snuggle with his daddy!!!


  1. Love it, do not be discouraged. It is hard work being a baby, and he is working hard! He is still little and it will come for him. On another note..... I LOVE THIS GUY! And his parents! A lot!

  2. Cute pictures indeed! I always loved having a picture of my baby when I pumped. Make a little slideshow on your phone or computer for those midnight pumping sessions. You're doing great!
