Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Update on post surgery

Well folks Ryker is trying to recover from surgery. He is still sedated and intubated. The doctors informed me today that he will be like that for another week. I guess they are a little nervous to take out the stent on Thursday so they are waiting until Tuesday. I personal feel better about waiting to make sure it is all healed. I don't want anymore stupid complications during surgery. Ryker is struggling with being swollen again with all the fluid being pumped into him. It looks very painful. They are trying to help him pee it off with medicine. He peed off 250 grams of fluid today. He did get his catheter out today. So he is now peeing again like a big boy.  I haven't been to the hospital the last couple of days because it's too hard to see my little baby in the state he is in right now. I don't like to see him suffer in pain. The doctors keep giving him morphine for pain, but sometimes when I look at him it seems like it not helping much. Thank goodness he will not remember any of this. Poor little guy. The ENT doctors are thinking they will just do the nose surgery the same day as getting the stent out. So we will have a while for recovery. Someday he will come home, but it's looking like not for a while. Here is the sad little boy's face for you.

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