Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Finally on High Flow!

well Ryker finally made it on high flow oxygen. Thank goodness! Its on high settings of high flow but at least we can start weaning him more. That was a long three weeks of intubation and CPAP. He is being fed continuously right now but only like 3ml of milk an hour. We are working up to more but poor baby and his reflux he just doesn't like the acid feel. I am still hopeful in two week he can come home. At least that would be a mom's wish.
For those of you that don't know, my dear husband found a new job. We will be moving back to Utah. I am super sad to leave behind our amazing Idaho family, friends, ward, and house. It is sad for me, but Parker is excited to finally be with Ryker and I. And he is very excited about his new job and the opportunities he will have in a bigger company. And our adventure moves forward. I believe Heavenly Father likes to pile not just one trial load, but several. I am not sure what we are suppose to learn from the last four months and the few months to come, but I sure hope we learn it. I have had spiritual confirmation we need to move to Utah, but I am super sad about it. Exciting for the grandparents I am sure. They all wanted us to come back. Here's to hopefully a great adventure and many blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Moving is hard, but being near family is the best, especially when you have kiddos. I'm so happy to hear of Ryker's progress. Go Ryker!!
