Saturday, December 6, 2014

One week home!

It's been a great week having little man home with us. He sure is taking to the sleeping all day long and being "normal" baby. He did get shots the other day.  Poor little guy is sore and more fussy. Hopefully it passes soon. Luckily for mom and dad, Ryker sleeps pretty much all through the night. I feel really spoiled that I get all eight hours of sleep. I sure do love being Ryker's mommy! He is finding that not being bugged while he is sleeping is the best thing ever! Also, Ryker is loving his mamaroo that Grandma purchased for him. That is his favorite spot to sleep. Little man still has is ups and downs. We are struggling with his congestion in his little nose. Sometimes he is so congested that he can't breathe and we have to turn up his oxygen to help him out. Hopefully he can get over that sooner than later. Feeds are pretty easy. We have even trained Aunty Tami to help out with his feeds. Sometimes mom needs a break even though she doesn't want to have one. Tami and Tanner have been amazing! We sure do appreciate all they do for our little family. They are so sweet to clean out their basement laundry room for us to use. Freezer and dog space was much needed. Thanks again T's we love you!!!
Ryker had is first Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapist appointments this week. He got his work out. I am not sure if he liked it, but we will get the hang of all the training that will be taking place the next couple of weeks. This week has been busy trying to get all the follow up appointments set up. I sure do need a schedule so we can get Ryker moving along. I was very pleased with his Occupational Therapist and his pediatrician. They are both awesome! Next week the OT will be helping Ryker learn the sucking and swallowing motion with Tootsie Rolls and Slim Jims. That will be interesting to see how Ryker like those two flavors. We are also going start again with bottle feedings. He is going to be back on his yummy banana split milkshakes. Here's to another great week with Ryker roo home for good.

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