Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Miracles and more miracles

The past 16 months has proven that God provides miracles for those that have faith and are diligent in that faith. Ryker is my proof of miracles really happening. We have been told by many that Ryker shouldn't be here with us and he for sure shouldn't be doing as well as he has been doing. From now on, no matter how often or how much I doubt, I will always remember my miracle baby. God loves us and he is really here wanting to bless us.

As a missionary I was sitting on a bus reading the book of Mormon in English. There was a man that came up to me looking like he was homeless, dirty, and drug. He asked me about the book. He said he knew that that book would change his life and he needed one. The only book I had in english was mine, the one I was reading. So with faith I gave it to him. Three months later, the elders brought him to church. I didn't recognize him. He was dressed in a nice suit and all cleaned up. He came up to me and said your book changed my life. The greatest thing about this story is he name was Blessing. Through that faith brings blessings!. All of this year, I have been thinking about this story. It gave me hope for our situation. Now our situation is finally the blessing! Trials makes you stronger and if you fight through them, you will see miracles in your life.

Back in July at the temple, I had an impression that the surgery Ryker was going to have was going to answer all the questions. He was going to get off oxygen and his health would improve. When it didn't happen right away or right after surgery I was a little disappointed. I was starting to doubt my inspiration, but this week the inspiration that I had came true. Ryker is off of oxygen. He is doing all the things that I hoped he would with his health. We have seen the heart doc, the lung doc, and ENT. ENT didn't find a hole in his soft palate, so no surgery for that. All of them have said they are amazed with his improvement. We don't have to see any more doctors for a year. It puts things into perspective! We could potentially move out of Utah, not now, but someday. That's bonus. Ryker has changed my life!

Well this week we also found out that Ryker will be needing more brace supports. So not only does he use his hand braces and neck brace, he will also need foot and ankle ones. We were told he will possibly need to have surgery on his legs and feet. Probably not for a while, but surgery will be in his future. All in all, Ryker is doing so well. He looks so different without oxygen. He is getting new glasses and without his oxygen he looks like a little toddler. So cute!  Today he enjoyed Aladdin the movie. He watched the whole thing without fuss. Guess he liked the colors or something. It was pretty cute actually. Life is going how it's suppose to. I am loving it. I can't wait for the holidays and I am super excited to decorate for Christmas. So folks don't be judging if you see my house decked out for Christmas this week.

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