Well the last post was before the big surgery, and here we are two weeks after surgery. We are still in the hospital. Surgery went well. The ENT doctor told us that his nose wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Ryker was breathing much better after surgery. I was very happy to see him not struggling with breathing as much. We were in recovery for an hour, then we ventured up stairs to the infant room. Doc Grimmer anticipated only a short stay here at the hospital. He was telling us only over the night or by Sunday. But that night Ryker was dropping his oxygen levels and was struggling breathing. In my mother perspective, I believe his nose to swollen and was still in shock of surgery so because babies are nose breathers Ryker couldn't breath. They had to put a tube in his throat to help him breath. He was also taken to the ICU. Once again the ICU game. I hate it. But on the up note it is better because I can sleep with my little baby. I have a bed and there are a lot more accomidations for me. It's a better situation then last time. I keep telling myself we did four months of this with no parker, no sleeping at the hospital, and more frustration, I can do this. Piece of cake. It is nice to see my husband everyday through this whole thing. That's a blessing. One Reason we are suppose to be here. Well with all this happening he developed episodes of not breathing. Some nurses say he would hold his breath, some would say he wouldn't breath, some would say it was when he was wake, while other said it was when he was asleep. These episodes were happening at home, but Parker and I thought they were due to his obstruction in his nose. We were praying that once it was fix he would be able to breath just fine. Well Ryker struggled for a week being intubated. They would use morphine for pain and sedate him which made the episodes worse. The ICU doctors decided to take him off the morphine and sedation thank goodness. I hate how doctors think meds are the solution for everything. They would sedate him more with his episodes thinking it was axiety. But that wasn't it. We have had test after test the last two week. MRI his brain, CT of his heart and chest, Blood work, Virus tests, Infection tests, EKG for seizures, Meds for seizures, EEG of his heart. They still haven't found anything for the cause. Ryker got extubated last Friday the 23rd and we were moved upstairs back to the infant room. Grandma Allen came to spend the weekend with little because it was the last weekend we had to move out of our Idaho house. Yes folks, it's official, we are now Utahans again. I was really emotional as I pack up our belongs and saw my friends from Idaho Falls for the last time. I was feeling very grateful and blessed to have lived in Idaho Falls for as long as we did. It will truly have a special place in my heart. I cried one last time as I looked at our house empty with a uhaul parked in front. I was remembering all the blessings and experiences we had in Idaho. I thought of all the people that have touched my life and made me a better person. I will miss the experiences we had there. We had many people show up to help us pack. People that I care about very much, friends that I consider family. I said good bye to our old ward. As I sat in Sacrament Meeting I felt like it wasn't my ward anymore. This isn't where I was suppose to be anymore. I was feeling blessed for all the miracles that had happened to use while living in Idaho. God is real. I testify of that. He is aware and knows everything we are going through.
For those of you that don't know I am still going to school through Boise state. School started the week of Ryker's surgery. It's been a struggles once again. Often I think why am I doing this while my son is the hospital, but I feel it's what I am suppose to do. So I just push forward. I have already had one late assignment. Trying to juggle Ryker in the hospital, moving from Idaho, selling our house, and getting ourselves situated for what is next. Life just didn't have time for homework this week. Hopefully it will be better next week.
Well that is our story for this week. It's been crazy busy and full of stress. Hopefully we can survive another week of this craziness.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Getting Ready for Surgery and Saying goodbye to our Idaho home!
A lot has been happening this past week. We have seen some miracles and blessings of peace, love, and testimony. I have been slacking off on Ryker's Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy the past week. He's been so sleepy and we have had a lot of appointments. But after this surgery tomorrow we are going full on therapy to get this kid into shape. We were told not to give Ryker bottles this week because of surgery. They don't want him to get an infection or more breathing problems before surgery. That would not be good. We also found out on monday that he won't be needing a follow up on his esophagus anymore. He is all healed and good. Which is one less doctor we have to see now. Ha. We also saw the ear doctor this week. Ryker once again didn't pass the hearing test. It came back that he has fluid behind his ear drum so on Thursday they may be putting in tubes to help drain the fluid. Hopefully that will help with his hearing. And now the big surgery. Tomorrow and the next few weeks are going to be tough and trying, but I pray that we will survive. I pray that surgery will go well and there will be no complications. I also pray that this surgery will improve his breathing and he will come off of oxygen. I am praying he will eat on his own and sleep better. Everything is riding on a successful surgery tomorrow. This event will happen at 9:30am. Praying we can all sleep well tonight.
As I reflect on Ryker and his little life, I have seen many miracles and blessings. This child has blessed my life already. When he was first born, I was afraid of him not making it. But with blessing after blessing and promises from my Father in Heaven, I know he is suppose to be here. Ryker has a purpose of being my son. With all the time in the hospital, I was worried about being able to pay for all his medical expenses. I was worried we won't be able to make enough to support our son's needs. But with surprise money from friends, family, and insurance payouts, we are going to make it. . Parker getting a great job that he loves and isn't stressed about has blessed our little family. Last weekend we got a phone call from our Real estate agent in Idaho Falls. He informed us that we had two offers on our house. One of those offers was exactly what we asked for. Heavenly Father keeps blessing our little family and I am so overwhelmed of how much love he has for us. The last six months has tried my faith, my patience, and my worthiness. We are still going through trials with our little boy, but Heaven Father has shined the blessings through for me to see how much he loves me. He is showing me how much he is there and is watching over Ryker. Ryker truly is a miracle. I am seeing more and more miracles each day with all the blessings that are being thrown at us.
Somedays I worry about my son. How are other children going to treat him? How will he develop? Will he be able to make good friends. Each doctor appointment seems to tell me something bad or something we need to be concerned about. I have to keep reminding myself that Ryker's health could be worse off. He could have more severe problems with his Trisomy. With every blessing he receives I am reminded that he is going to have trials, but he is going to get married in the templ. Ryker will go to college. He will have a normal life like everyone else. I am so overwhelmed by all the prayers all of you have offered in behalf of our family. I feel your love everyday. I appreciate all your support. I am going to start a blog this week on all the miracles I have seen in my life. This will not only help me remember what God has done for me, but if you choose to follow you can feel the spirit testify that Heavenly Father is real and He loves each one of his kids. Think, if he can bless some crazy Red head like me, He will bless your life as well. Thank you to those in our new ward who gave us that amazing gift basket. And to our family who surprised us with money at Christmas. We are so grateful for all of you and for all your love toward us. There are no words to express how much that meant to us. THANK YOU!
As I reflect on Ryker and his little life, I have seen many miracles and blessings. This child has blessed my life already. When he was first born, I was afraid of him not making it. But with blessing after blessing and promises from my Father in Heaven, I know he is suppose to be here. Ryker has a purpose of being my son. With all the time in the hospital, I was worried about being able to pay for all his medical expenses. I was worried we won't be able to make enough to support our son's needs. But with surprise money from friends, family, and insurance payouts, we are going to make it. . Parker getting a great job that he loves and isn't stressed about has blessed our little family. Last weekend we got a phone call from our Real estate agent in Idaho Falls. He informed us that we had two offers on our house. One of those offers was exactly what we asked for. Heavenly Father keeps blessing our little family and I am so overwhelmed of how much love he has for us. The last six months has tried my faith, my patience, and my worthiness. We are still going through trials with our little boy, but Heaven Father has shined the blessings through for me to see how much he loves me. He is showing me how much he is there and is watching over Ryker. Ryker truly is a miracle. I am seeing more and more miracles each day with all the blessings that are being thrown at us.
Somedays I worry about my son. How are other children going to treat him? How will he develop? Will he be able to make good friends. Each doctor appointment seems to tell me something bad or something we need to be concerned about. I have to keep reminding myself that Ryker's health could be worse off. He could have more severe problems with his Trisomy. With every blessing he receives I am reminded that he is going to have trials, but he is going to get married in the templ. Ryker will go to college. He will have a normal life like everyone else. I am so overwhelmed by all the prayers all of you have offered in behalf of our family. I feel your love everyday. I appreciate all your support. I am going to start a blog this week on all the miracles I have seen in my life. This will not only help me remember what God has done for me, but if you choose to follow you can feel the spirit testify that Heavenly Father is real and He loves each one of his kids. Think, if he can bless some crazy Red head like me, He will bless your life as well. Thank you to those in our new ward who gave us that amazing gift basket. And to our family who surprised us with money at Christmas. We are so grateful for all of you and for all your love toward us. There are no words to express how much that meant to us. THANK YOU!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Happy New Year!!!!
It's a new year. 2015 has potential to be fabulous and high stress. We are starting this year out with surgery. My mother had surgery on Monday on her back. It went pretty well until today. I got a phone call from my brother, she had to be moved to the ICU. She has low blood pressure and is responding to medication. Hopefully she will be out of the hospital soon. Now little man has surgery next week. January 15th is the day for many prayers. We are praying that the doctor can open up his nose and fix all the problems that are present. Worst case scenario is little man coming home with a trach. (a whole in his neck to breath) I don't want that to happen, but whatever Heavenly Father throws at us we will go with the punches. We are still in the process of selling our house in Idaho. Lots of people have walked through it, but we don't have any takers yet. Hopefully soon, we need to make the last transition to Utah to start our new adventure here. I know the T's like having us here, but I want my own space. Preferable bigger then a small bedroom for three plus a dog. New Years was pretty fun. We stayed up late playing games and eating the last of the junk food. I know everyone makes losing a weight goal, but for me it's no sugar and soda pop goal. I hope it works out. It's been going pretty well. I sneak in a piece of candy every once in a while, but you can't just go cold turkey with deliciousness of sugar. Not Possible!!!
This last week has been stressful with the switching of new insurance companies and trying to get everyone coordinated with our new insurance. Finding a new primary care doctor for Ryker was such a pain in the butt. Now we are hoping that the surgery will be covered. I am just trying to get all the ducks in a row before surgery, hopefully I haven't missed something. This was our first week back in going to the doctor every day. We saw our new primary doctors, the eye doctors, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy. And yes folks, Ryker finally got his baby glasses. I didn't realize how blind he was. I hope it's not because of the oxygen. Poor kid, his little body just struggling working for him. Too bad we can't just get him a new little body. He does look very handsome in his little man glasses. Just like a computer geek like daddy. They are a match made in Heaven.
Well next week is the long week. Starting monday off with more doctor visits and more Therapy. Finishing the week with surgery. I pray we all make it through it. Sleep will be the most important. Not to mention Parker and I are making another trip to Idaho to finish packing up our house. Hopefully not more rolling vehicles in our future trips. Well here's to a good week. Love ya all!
This last week has been stressful with the switching of new insurance companies and trying to get everyone coordinated with our new insurance. Finding a new primary care doctor for Ryker was such a pain in the butt. Now we are hoping that the surgery will be covered. I am just trying to get all the ducks in a row before surgery, hopefully I haven't missed something. This was our first week back in going to the doctor every day. We saw our new primary doctors, the eye doctors, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy. And yes folks, Ryker finally got his baby glasses. I didn't realize how blind he was. I hope it's not because of the oxygen. Poor kid, his little body just struggling working for him. Too bad we can't just get him a new little body. He does look very handsome in his little man glasses. Just like a computer geek like daddy. They are a match made in Heaven.
Well next week is the long week. Starting monday off with more doctor visits and more Therapy. Finishing the week with surgery. I pray we all make it through it. Sleep will be the most important. Not to mention Parker and I are making another trip to Idaho to finish packing up our house. Hopefully not more rolling vehicles in our future trips. Well here's to a good week. Love ya all!
Great Grandpa Allen
Great Grandma Allen
Aunt Jen and Uncle Godfrey
Aunt Sadie and Uncle Josh
Uncle Jeromy and Aunt Kathy
My Boys all crashed what is a girl to do?
The Baby Einstein
Finally I can see my toys!
Like father like son
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